For Coaches – Counselors – Ministers – Leaders – Managers – Therapists – Facilitators
A Special Invite: First night is a FREE GUEST EVENT! What a great opportunity to introduce
family, friends and business colleagues into this amazing course.
Turn obstacles into personal power opportunities.
Reprogram ineffective strategies for success to action plans that work.
The 7 Master Skills of Empowerment
These are the “Swiss Army Knife” of Transformation…one simple, potent tool
with 7 profound applications including how to:
1. Disappear ANY upset – for yourself or others.
2. “Melt Your Favorite Jerk” to disarm Verbal attackers.
3. Transform Self-Criticism into Self Esteem and Peak Performance.
4. Dissolve other’s considerations to enroll them into your services and /or
5. Transform judgments from others into effective compassionate coaching.
6. Turn all complaints into contributions.
7. Create satisfaction & fulfillment under all conditions, even the worst